Friday, July 24, 2009

Cool - Bundeswehr Theme it is!

Thanks to Conscript Dave V for his awesome and quite thorough recommendations on a new, 1500 point 5th Edition 40k army. Definitely looks cool, and I am fired up to get moving on it.

Painting the camo could be tricky - I've done it on ultra-moderns, but on my 6mm tanks! Dallas and Mike F are the ones with the awesome results painting camo, so I'll have to crib off of them to get a sense of how it is done. But I'm pretty sure the GW washes will definitely come in handy!

I'm still trying to decided whether to go woodland, desert, or perhaps something a bit "alien". We'll see what the upcoming experiments bring...

Also, I may experiment with bashing a GW Rhino into some kind of APC that would count as a Chimera - it could be made to look a lot like a Marder IFV. On the other hand, I have a bunch of unpainted Chimeras - and while they are a pain to assemble, they look plenty fine on their own.

So watch for photos kit bashing and experimental painting, coming soon to this blog! And thanks again to Dave V for his excellent tips.

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